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"Let´s lose our heads" is a feature film that Q´ori Project has been developing for the last 2 years. In the following video listen to the directors commenting about the project and motivated them to work on it.

This next video has been possible thanks to the help of community members in twitter spaces. Its an extract of the short documentary Who is Piscis el cantante? 


After a shocking incident in which Nico becomes homeless, Nico decides to leave his life behind and move from Peru to Spain. It is there that, after a strange encounter with a group of gypsies, he learns about the myth of Piscis, a famous fish-headed singer whose emblematic dance step was to disappear. Nico, obsessed with Piscis, embarks on an artistic quest that leads him to lose his head and find freedom.

Encabezado 6

The team has already filmed half of the film with their owned resources. However, we now need your help to finish the rest of the filming for which we have estimated approximately USD 20K. Be part of the FIRST Peruvian-made film utilizing NFTs and web 3.0* to fund an independent film. Choose your tier and let the magic begin!

TIER 1 BLUE .png

0.012 ETH

1 NFT of a still image of the movie.

Open Edition


A private link to watch the film once completed.

Your name in the credits of the film.

Discord channel giving you

exclusive access to the whole

film process.

TIER 2.png

0.030 ETH

1 NFT of intervened photograph of Piscis el cantante by Pablo L.

# of tokens: 150


A video of an entire shot from the


Invite to the Meta premier of the film.

Q&A with the cast & crew of the film.

Includes all Utilities & Perks of Tier 1.

TIER 3.png

0.1 ETH

1 NFT of intervened photograph of Piscis el cantante by Pablo L.

# of tokens: 25


Short film documentary: 

Chapter 1 - Who is Piscis el 


An Associete Producer credit.

Be part of a scene in the movie. 

Includes all Utilities & Perks of Tiers 1 & 2


1 animated NFT of

Piscis el cantante.

# of tokens: 5 - SOLD OUT! 


A Physical Memorabilia Piece from the film. Props & art.

Invite to the wrap cast & crew party with Piscis, el cantante LIVE! (Madrid, Spain.)


Includes all Utilities & Perks of Tiers 1, 2 & 3

Buy in opensea

You don´t have Crypto but you still want to participate in the making of the movie?

On my first album Caracoles by Kanaku y el Tigre, I was able to explore my creativity together with my bandmates in a free and uninhibited way. A record that was made in a bedroom, between two people with only one microphone, which went around the world and allowed me to make many more records.  


Generally, filmmaking requires large teams of people and millions of dollars that result in rigid parameters and molds.  In my experience, when resources are limited, I have found myself in the richest positions for my creativity. That's why I want to make films the way I like to work in music, building on layers and improvisation. Because it has forced me to make the most of the few tools I have and stick to the essentials. Like David and Goliath. To use my limitations as advantages. 

One of the most essential things making albums has taught me is the importance of the unconscious when creating. When they put a camera on us the first thing we do is to show the best we have, we opt for our best angle, our best words, our best version of ourselves, and so we also hide ourselves.  The same thing happens with the mind. Over time I have learned that to bring out the unconscious one must trick the mind.

This is why I am taking as a reference Salvador Dalí’s method of creating from paranoia. The aspect that Dalí found interesting in paranoia was the state the mind is put on when doing the effort of perceiving links between things that have no apparent connection. I think it is precisely in the exercise of trying to make sense of the pieces that the unconscious speaks, and I think that is what is so powerful about Dalí's method. This is what I mean when I talk about fooling the mind. Forgetting the right and the best. The challenge of making sense of meaninglessness forces me to take unexpected paths in my psyche and brings out what I truly have to offer as an artist. My deepest feelings and thoughts. The ones that many times get swallowed by one's self image or rational agenda.

I think this is a very interesting starting point, not only for me, but also for other people who are interested in creating in this way. I think we often think that in order to find a story worth telling we have to go through a long search full of revisions and high demands. But perhaps, if we delve into our unconscious we might all be surprised at what we can find.

Nico Saba.


February 2023 - April 2023

1st Crowdfunding

May 2023 - October 2023

Principal Photography and Edit.

October 2023

2nd Crowdfunding

Post production Grants

November 2023 - Febreruary  2025

Post Production

March 2025

World Premier

Film Festivals 

NFT Crowdfunding aimed at finishing the shooting of the film.

The remaining scenes of the film will be shot between Madrid, Lima and Cusco. The edit of the film will run in parallel.

Crowdfunding for the post production and distribution of the film.

Video and audio post-production work.

Film ready for Festival Premier and world distribution.


Take a look at Piscis el cantante´s NFT collection launched by The Q´ori Project.




Piscis #2




Producer, Director, Editor & Actor

Nicolas Saba

Film graduate from Los Angeles Film School in 2003. Composer, lead singer and producer of iconic band Kanaku & El Tigre. 

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-09 at 1.44.56 PM.jpeg


Diego Lora

10+ years of experience in finance working in
London, NY and Latam. Entered the crypto
space in 2017.


Producer, Director, & Editor

Jorge Pablo Quiroz

Award winning film director with more than 15 years of experience on film & the arts.


Storytelling Web 3.0 advisor

Luis Carranza Perales

DAO Contributor and Storytelling NFT Collector. Researcher for Storytelling Web3. Experience in the Peruvian startup and social entrepreneurship ecosystem.

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